Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Morning Joe

Well, it's 8:17 am and B is (hopefully!) learning something new at school, A is enthusiastically watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & I can breathe! As a part of my journey to living intentionally, my day begins at 5am. This is difficult, not only because I mean- it's 5 am! But also because my husband works second shift & is generally coming to bed about the time my alarm goes off.

Why 5?

I read once that it was better to wake up FOR your children instead of waking up TO your children. It sets the tone for the rest of your day! I'm sure some of you out there in blog-o-land have no idea what this saying means (ahemMOMahem) but basically it means that you should wake up in enough time to get your day started ahead of your children. That way you aren't rushing around and trying to get everyone (including yourself) ready, fed, and out the door super quick. It takes the rush out of my mornings!

BUT Why 5??

B wakes up between 5:30 & 6 every morning. Rain, Shine, Weekends, Every morning. Waking up at 5 gives me enough time to get going pretty well before he gets up. Did I mention that I live in a man's world? Which means he who has the remote controlls things. If B wakes up before I do, and has the remote, then he is an absolute BEAR to get ready for school. "But MOM Ninjago is on!!" Don't ask me how me having physical control of the remote works, but it does.

When I get up I do a daily devo that comes on my Nook through a nifty little app I have. There are hundreds of devo apps, just pick one! Then I try and either walk on the treadmill or exercise with this lady that comes on PBS at 5:30. She is no joke! By then B is usually up so AFTER he gets completely dressed, teeth & hair brushed, backpack located, he may watch t.v. while he eats breakfast. A is usually up by then so B being occupied by Spongebob or whatever other nonsense comes on Nick at 6am means I can get A dressed and ready to go too without having to referee just yet.

By then it's 7 and we are out the door with as little fussing as possible!

If only everyday were that picture perfect right?

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