Sunday, August 26, 2012

Extreme Couponing (Definitely NOT for me!)

I am extremely blessed to be able to stay at home and raise my two boys. (some would say my husband too, but I digress!) My husband works very hard so that we can do this, and I am thankful in SO many ways for him!

It also gives me the chance to help take care of my elderly grandfather who is absolutely the sweetest man I have ever met. Mom says I have loved him the best since I was a baby! It is an honor to help take care of him in his sunset years.

B's schooling & extracurricular activites are taking a chunk of our budget this year and so on my journey to being intentional I have decided it's time to find new ways to pinch pennies.

I am going to learn how to coupon! They say that once you get started you get hooked, but it takes a lot of work to learn the systems and policies and so on. Now, I will be the first person to tell you that clutter makes me anxious. I can't handle it! So I will NOT be one of those stockpile crazy couponers that are on tv. But if being saavy with the whole couponing world means a few less dollars in our grocery bill every week then I'm all for it!

I bought a Sunday paper today & have perused the CouponSuzy website. I will update you soon on how my living intentionally: project coupon is going! Wish me luck! And if you have tips and pointers please feel free to let me know. I have dabbled in coupons before but never consistently or very seriously. So basically it's all new to me!

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