Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Faith of a Mustard Seed

Heaven gained an absolute angel yesterday. I, like thousands in Nashville & around the country, never had the opportunity to meet Sara Walker personally. In fact, I probably got on the "Pray for Sara Walker" train a little late in her battle. Nonetheless her story is INCREDIBLE! She can tell it better than anyone-

Can you imagine what it feels like to know that there are literally thousands of people praying for you? People that have been impacted by your unwaivering faith even in the most difficult of circumstances.

On my journey, one of my main objectives is to grow my faith more deeply so that some day my children will teach their children and so on. I could only hope to leave a legacy like the one Sara Walker has written. Or should I say God has written for her.

I grew up in the church. I have Christian parents, and attended a Christian high school. I faithfully attended bible camp every summer. I have a degree from a Christian college. I have had a few bible classes in my life, needless to say. And I have definitely sat through my fair share of chapel speakers!

But just because you drag your butt to chapel 3 days a week, and make A's on your bible tests (Cards on the table: I made C's. Don't judge me!) does not mean that your faith is deeply rooted. Hate to say it, but those hundreds of repetitions of "Father I Adore You" at Bible Camp didn't earn me a one way ticket to the pearly gates. It has to come from something (someone!) else.

There was a time in my life that I was faithfully frustrated. I knew God was out there, and I knew he loved me, but I found myself in a very dark place with no real directions on how to get out of it and I couldn't imagine that a God who loved me could let me go through this.

Now I know that he was setting the stage for some absolutely amazing things to happen in my life, but at the time all I could see was blackness & loneliness all around me. Hindsight is 20/20 isn't it? I guess my "REAL" faith never really recovered from that period until recently. I would go through the motions but not really think anything of it.

Part of living intentionally to me means that you have to be intentional with your faith. I intentionally get up every morning and do a devo off of an app on my Nook. Then I spend some time reading my Message Bible- right now I'm reading Judges because that is what we are studying in the Ladies Bible Class I attend once a week. Then I spend some time in prayer for our day, for my children and husband, and for things that are just weighing on my heart. Lastly I always do something called a "breath prayer". I think I picked this up in one of those millions of classes I was talking about, but everyday I intentionally breathe in thoughts of patience and out thoughts of peace. It helps set the tone for my entire day! And with two very rowdy boys, Peace and Patience are in short supply around here! It is also the first steps in living for God more faithfully and intentionally. I am still a work in progress!

And hopefully someday when I earn my angel wings, I will get the chance to meet sweet Sara Walker face to face and thank her for the impact that she had on my life, and so very many others like me.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Extreme Couponing (Definitely NOT for me!)

I am extremely blessed to be able to stay at home and raise my two boys. (some would say my husband too, but I digress!) My husband works very hard so that we can do this, and I am thankful in SO many ways for him!

It also gives me the chance to help take care of my elderly grandfather who is absolutely the sweetest man I have ever met. Mom says I have loved him the best since I was a baby! It is an honor to help take care of him in his sunset years.

B's schooling & extracurricular activites are taking a chunk of our budget this year and so on my journey to being intentional I have decided it's time to find new ways to pinch pennies.

I am going to learn how to coupon! They say that once you get started you get hooked, but it takes a lot of work to learn the systems and policies and so on. Now, I will be the first person to tell you that clutter makes me anxious. I can't handle it! So I will NOT be one of those stockpile crazy couponers that are on tv. But if being saavy with the whole couponing world means a few less dollars in our grocery bill every week then I'm all for it!

I bought a Sunday paper today & have perused the CouponSuzy website. I will update you soon on how my living intentionally: project coupon is going! Wish me luck! And if you have tips and pointers please feel free to let me know. I have dabbled in coupons before but never consistently or very seriously. So basically it's all new to me!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


We got our CSA share yesterday! I always feel like it's Christmas morning when we go and pick up our box full of goodies on Wednesdays. I guess I should back up though...

Back in the spring I was looking for ways that my family could be healthier. I suppose we should all be on this bandwagon more than we are. But through the magic of Facebook newsfeed, I saw that my friend was talking about this thing called a CSA. I thought, "what in the world is a CSA?"

In a nutshell, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Basically, we have an agreement with a farm that we will buy a "share" of their harvest every week. We go on Wednesdays and pick up a box of vegetables, meat, and a dozen eggs. You never know what kind of veggies or meat you are going to get, just that it will be about the same amount each week. It doesn't completely eliminate our need to grocery shop, especially since I'm not brave enough to order their raw milk... but it is a big chunk of our weekly food!

This is what came in our box yesterday.

The ballerina/flowery-looking things in the center are called pattypan squash!

I would like to say that before we jumped in with both feet, I did a ton of research and weighed the pros & cons, etc. Nope. What happened was I saw my friends post, I googled "CSA" and found out a few basic things. Then I asked my friend (who actually DID do all of this research- Go Sam!) a few questions and that was about it. Then we just said, "you know what? Let's do it!" Would I do it again? Absolutely.

I have had SO much fun with this! Before CSA, we were sort of in a broccoli, corn, and green peas rut. Those were basically the only veggies we ate because they were the only ones I was confident in cooking. But now we get lots of different vegetables, including some that I have never even heard of before! Who knew there were a hundred different kinds of squash & watermelon?? It forces me out of my comfort zone and into a whole new world of veggies & meats. I even made my own pickles last week!

Besides pickles, I have made my own spaghetti sauce from scratch, zuchinni bread, zuchinni casserole, Kale chips, and I have roasted anything and everything you could imagine.

All this is great, but I think my very favorite thing about being a part of CSA is what it is teaching my children. They are SO excited on Wednesdays to go get our "farm box" and see what we got! When we go to the grocery store now, A points out vegetables to me. We probably spent 20 minutes in the produce section of Kroger the other day walking around and naming what everything was. I love that they are so involved and learning about fruits & vegetables and healthy habits that will hopefully stick with them for the rest of their lives. This morning, A even helped me break green beans for lunch today!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Morning Joe

Well, it's 8:17 am and B is (hopefully!) learning something new at school, A is enthusiastically watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & I can breathe! As a part of my journey to living intentionally, my day begins at 5am. This is difficult, not only because I mean- it's 5 am! But also because my husband works second shift & is generally coming to bed about the time my alarm goes off.

Why 5?

I read once that it was better to wake up FOR your children instead of waking up TO your children. It sets the tone for the rest of your day! I'm sure some of you out there in blog-o-land have no idea what this saying means (ahemMOMahem) but basically it means that you should wake up in enough time to get your day started ahead of your children. That way you aren't rushing around and trying to get everyone (including yourself) ready, fed, and out the door super quick. It takes the rush out of my mornings!

BUT Why 5??

B wakes up between 5:30 & 6 every morning. Rain, Shine, Weekends, Every morning. Waking up at 5 gives me enough time to get going pretty well before he gets up. Did I mention that I live in a man's world? Which means he who has the remote controlls things. If B wakes up before I do, and has the remote, then he is an absolute BEAR to get ready for school. "But MOM Ninjago is on!!" Don't ask me how me having physical control of the remote works, but it does.

When I get up I do a daily devo that comes on my Nook through a nifty little app I have. There are hundreds of devo apps, just pick one! Then I try and either walk on the treadmill or exercise with this lady that comes on PBS at 5:30. She is no joke! By then B is usually up so AFTER he gets completely dressed, teeth & hair brushed, backpack located, he may watch t.v. while he eats breakfast. A is usually up by then so B being occupied by Spongebob or whatever other nonsense comes on Nick at 6am means I can get A dressed and ready to go too without having to referee just yet.

By then it's 7 and we are out the door with as little fussing as possible!

If only everyday were that picture perfect right?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Nitty Gritty

According to this is the definition of intentional:


1. done with intention or on purpose; intended: an intentional insult.

2. of or pertaining to intention or purpose.

I am on a journey to live everyday as intentional as possible. I realized a couple of weeks ago (about the time B started first grade, actually) that time is flying past us, and things that we keep meaning to do never actually get done. For example, J and I keep saying that we are going to start eating healthier-tomorrow. Then we have lunch out of a window. The next thing you know, tomorrow was last week and we are having another lunch out of the window...

Some of these things have been set in motion a while back, but I am just now getting around to putting a name to it. Because I am very type A and love to make lists, here is a list version of some of the ways I am choosing to live everyday with intention.

This one may sound easy enough. But B gets up around 5:30 every morning. If I do not intentionally set my alarm to get up before he does, then our whole day gets off to a rocky start.

I used to ride to school everyday with a family that has become a second family to me. Every morning, no matter how late we were running, the dad would pray with his kids before school. I am intentionally doing the same with B.

This is one of those that we set in motion a few months ago by joining a CSA. Don't know what a CSA is? I will post about it soon! Now we have fresh & "clean" meats, vegetables, & eggs on hand in the house.

The day is half over, but the hard part is just starting! Time to regroup.

He deserves my respect, admiration, and love. Which he has. But, I do not always show him that he has them. I am trying harder to be intentional with this.


so that tomorrow I can start all over again!

I will try and elaborate on this more in the future, as well as let you know how it's going! Not all days are going to be perfect. But you've just got to keep on trucking!

Oh Yeah! I told J about all of this last night & his very loving response? "I have noticed you were in a better mood lately." Thanks sweetie. Love you too!
