Can you imagine what it feels like to know that there are literally thousands of people praying for you? People that have been impacted by your unwaivering faith even in the most difficult of circumstances.
On my journey, one of my main objectives is to grow my faith more deeply so that some day my children will teach their children and so on. I could only hope to leave a legacy like the one Sara Walker has written. Or should I say God has written for her.
I grew up in the church. I have Christian parents, and attended a Christian high school. I faithfully attended bible camp every summer. I have a degree from a Christian college. I have had a few bible classes in my life, needless to say. And I have definitely sat through my fair share of chapel speakers!
But just because you drag your butt to chapel 3 days a week, and make A's on your bible tests (Cards on the table: I made C's. Don't judge me!) does not mean that your faith is deeply rooted. Hate to say it, but those hundreds of repetitions of "Father I Adore You" at Bible Camp didn't earn me a one way ticket to the pearly gates. It has to come from something (someone!) else.
There was a time in my life that I was faithfully frustrated. I knew God was out there, and I knew he loved me, but I found myself in a very dark place with no real directions on how to get out of it and I couldn't imagine that a God who loved me could let me go through this.
Now I know that he was setting the stage for some absolutely amazing things to happen in my life, but at the time all I could see was blackness & loneliness all around me. Hindsight is 20/20 isn't it? I guess my "REAL" faith never really recovered from that period until recently. I would go through the motions but not really think anything of it.
Part of living intentionally to me means that you have to be intentional with your faith. I intentionally get up every morning and do a devo off of an app on my Nook. Then I spend some time reading my Message Bible- right now I'm reading Judges because that is what we are studying in the Ladies Bible Class I attend once a week. Then I spend some time in prayer for our day, for my children and husband, and for things that are just weighing on my heart. Lastly I always do something called a "breath prayer". I think I picked this up in one of those millions of classes I was talking about, but everyday I intentionally breathe in thoughts of patience and out thoughts of peace. It helps set the tone for my entire day! And with two very rowdy boys, Peace and Patience are in short supply around here! It is also the first steps in living for God more faithfully and intentionally. I am still a work in progress!
And hopefully someday when I earn my angel wings, I will get the chance to meet sweet Sara Walker face to face and thank her for the impact that she had on my life, and so very many others like me.