Monday, September 20, 2010


When B was a baby, my parents promised him that for his 5th birthday they would take him to Disney world for his birthday. And believe it or not, last week was his 5th birthday!! SO off to Florida we flew! 4 adults, a 5 year old, and a 1 year old...

It was one of the most amazing vacations of my life!

We spent 7 crazy paced days in the "Happiest Place on Earth" and made a million memories. It made all of the hard work and planning totally worth it... and now? I'm working on a scrapbook for the pics! (and maybe just a little thinking ahead towards the next 5th birthday trip : ) )

Oh, and my other new project (besides the Disney scrapbook you say?) is teaching the boys a few signs. B seems genuinely interested in learning spanish and sign language thanks to the Sprout network... and A hasn't picked up any new words besides HI! and da da da da, so we think it'll help in his communication. Who said stay-at-home-momhood was BoRiNg?? lol Did I mention that I know like, 2 signs myself?? And none of them are things that would help with a 1 year olds communication skills?? So I'm going to have to find the signs, learn them, teach them to the boys, then teach them to J and my parents so that everyone who's with A will know what in the world he's talking about! Yeah... BIG project!

I'll keep ya updated!

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